
Which is the complete jesus of nazareth dvd
Which is the complete jesus of nazareth dvd

which is the complete jesus of nazareth dvd

Shorter versions of the miniseries have been distributed, but this is one of the longer editions of Franco Zeffirelli's famed production (although not “complete” as advertised, and not 384 minutes as listed on the box), a finely crafted if also somewhat brooding drama that follows Jesus from birth to Resurrection with grace, emotion, and a de-emphasis of spectacle in favor of human theater. This four-part 1977 British-Italian co-production (which debuted on American TV in 1981) presents a cohesive, chronological narrative of the events presented in the New Testament.

which is the complete jesus of nazareth dvd which is the complete jesus of nazareth dvd

According to Wikipedia, the technical term for biblical epics such as this widely beloved version of Christ's life is Diatessaron (or Gospel harmony).

Which is the complete jesus of nazareth dvd